My Blog of Blogs
Current and historical attempts to chronicle my life and thoughts
(more about these blogs)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


[Note: This was how the blog started in May, 2009. I have since added posts from other blogs, earlier and later ones, as well as generally sprucing things up. Consider most of what's here "historical," with some updating.]

This blog is your main contact, your portal (if you will), to the splendors of (*cough*).

What will you find here?

  • Links to other happenings on the site
  • Updates on what Lila and I have been doing
  • Things that don't fit into other pages on the site, including books I've read, movies I've seen, people I've met, and random observations
  • 2023: The contents of my old sites (primarily The Temple Guy and You Are That <-- the reanimated pages)

I urge you to subscribe to this blog [Update 2023: This is no longer possible] so you don't miss a drop of all the Jamesy goodness. If daily James in your inbox is a bit too much, you might want to consider subscribing to my newsletter instead for (more or less) weekly updates.

Either way, "Keep in touch"!

Everything on these pages is © 2009 by James Baquet.

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